HuffPost Arts Interviews Leigh Salgado
01/24/2012 08:40am EST | Updated December 6, 2017

Leigh Salgado creates feminine nets of patchwork, cultural references, personal narrative and mythical abstraction. Salgado uses an Exacto knife to make her doily-like works, epitomizing the constant balance between feminine softness and tough guy rigor in her works. We asked her some questions about her process, inspirations and America’s favorite pastime.
HuffPost Arts: From viewing your YouTube interview, I saw that you were interested in baseball. However, your art work is arguably very feminine. How does this dynamic play out in your life and work?
Leigh Salgado: Art making is a solitary activity for me since I rarely collaborate on projects. I do like to attend baseball games and participate in the community aspect of being a fan. Even though there are collectives and duos in the art world, artistic practice more often does not involve a team. Baseball celebrates the excellence of both the individual and the team. I like that a player, such as the batter, has to stand before a huge audience and perform. If he gets a hit one out of three times, he is a superstar. I take inspiration from the fact that a great player fails far more often than he succeeds. That is what being in the studio is like, minus 50,000 people watching your every move.